

Almost all functions in the module expect a height-normalized point cloud to work as intended. If your point cloud is not height-normalized, you can do it in a simple way using some of the module functions:

import laspy
import numpy as np
import dendromatics as dm

# Reading the point cloud
filename_las = 'example_data.las' # your .las file
entr = laspy.read(filename_las)
coords = np.vstack((entr.x, entr.y, entr.z)).transpose()

# Normalizing the point cloud
dtm = dm.generate_dtm(clean_points)
z0_values = dm.normalize_heights(coords, dtm)

# adding the normalized heights to the point cloud
coords = np.append(coords, np.expand_dims(z0_values, axis = 1), 1)

If the point cloud is noisy, you might want to denoise it first before generating the DTM:

clean_points = dm.clean_ground(coords)

Identifying stems from a stripe

Simply provide a stripe (from a height-normalized point cloud) as follows to iteratively ‘peel off’ the stems:

# Defining the stripe
lower_limit = 0.5
upper_limit = 2.5
stripe = coords[(coords[:, 3] > lower_limit) & (coords[:, 3] < upper_limit), 0:4]

stripe_stems = dm.verticality_clustering(stripe, n_iter = 2)

Individualizing trees

Once the stems have been identified in the stripe, they can be used to individualize the trees in the point cloud:

assigned_cloud, tree_vector, tree_heights = dm.individualize_trees(coords, stripe_stems)

Computing sections along the stems

compute_sections() can be used to compute sections along the stems of the individualized trees:

# Preprocessing: reducing the point cloud size by keeping only the points that are closer than some radius (expected_R) to the tree axes
# and those that are whithin the lowest section (min_h) and the uppest section (max_h) to be computed.
expected_R = 0.5
min_h = 0.5
max_h = 25
section_width = 0.02
xyz0_coords = assigned_cloud[(assigned_cloud[:, 5] < expected_R) & (assigned_cloud[:, 3] > min_h) & (assigned_cloud[:,3] < max_h + section_width), :]

stems = dm.verticality_clustering(xyz0_coords, n_iter = 2)[:, 0:6]

# Computing the sections
section_len = 0.2
sections = np.arange(min_h, max_h, section_len) # Range of uniformly spaced values within the specified interval
X_c, Y_c, R, check_circle, second_time, sector_perct, n_points_in = dm.compute_sections(stems, sections)

Tilt detection

tilt_detection() computes an ‘outlier probability’ for each section based on its tilting relative to neighbour sections and the relative to the tree axis:

outlier_prob = dm.tilt_detection(X_c, Y_c, R, sections)

For further examples and more thorough explanations, please check example.py script in /examples folder in the official GitHub repository:
